Holy October Batman!

October already?!!? WTF! I havent updated since August, for crying out loud I need to get on the ball. Alot has happened since my last update, well not a whole lot, but good stuff nonetheless!! I started working a couple days a week at a studio much closer to home, in Charles Town, WV. I am totally stoked about it! Werewolfe Tattoo is 20 minutes from my house (as compared to the hour that it takes me to get to Leesburg), its a great looking studio and a very busy studio. I am still working in Leesburg a couple of days as well. So, Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will be at Inksanity in Leesburg, Wednesdays and Thursdays I will be at Werewolfe Tattoo, our address is 814 N. Mildred st. Ranson, WV. The number is 304.728.9880 if you would like to call and set something up with me you can do so at anytime during business hours. Or you can email me kimmythehun@gmail.com just make sure to let me know which location you want to get tattooed at. Confused? Nah, me either. On to the pain...