...something new.. AGAIN!

i dont know why i cant ever just stick with one thing, but im excited that ive started attempting realism with acrylics. its late, im tired, not much talk from me this time around. it all started with a painting of a cone flower intended for my mother in law, which turned into an ugly awful frankenflower very quickly. it was so bad..i deleted the pictures of it. that painting has since been painted over and after much frustration and some kicking myself in the nuts, i decided to try again. this time with a different flower. here is the reference photo i used for the Zinnia flower and here is the Zinnia ( i say Zin-nee-yah but ive heard its Zeen-yah ) flower painting that i did. Its 9 x 12 on canvas and theres a good bit of glare on the pic but you get the idea. a vast improvement from the franken-cone-flower . not exact but using one reference instead of a few (like the cone flower) seemed to be the answer and heres a stargazer lily photo that i referenced for the n...