
Actually thats only one of the 3R's and the last one to boot. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I've become a little pre-occupied (obsessed?) with recycling lately. Mostly how much trash we (household) are throwing out. He has been recycling cans, boxes, glass and plastic since before I've known him but just recently we started talking about really how much stuff we throw into the trash and how we can reduce, reuse and recycle what we throw out. So I started getting excited and wondering what my county accepted at their recycling centers. I googled that shit, and landed here: where I could look up items by letter and find if you can drop them off at the center. Curious as to what your town/county recycling center accepts? Here ya go: Virginia Warren County Loudoun County Fairfax County Prince William County West Virginia Berkeley County Jefferson County We did a little more research and reading and decided we could ...