
Two more traditional style tattoo flash sheets, spitshaded and painted with Dr Martins, on 140 lb cold press Arches. These are both 11x14 and going up in the studio very shortly . Some goofy spiders, old school diamonds, cherries, an emo cloud and some naughty peephole action, with a sexy tattooed man pin up for good measure! I got to do a version of him on someone a few weeks ago, and would like to do a whole sheet of stuff like it, but probably rated R, for sure. funky angle , and the color is a little off. And here are some old school horseshoes, a heart with wings, some tulips, orchids, a stargazer lily and a sundae I drew up for someone who never showed up for her appointment. Ever wonder where your design goes if you dont show up for your appointment? Well, usually to someone else or to another artistic project. There are two more sheets to go up on the walls at Inksanity, making a total of four...