watercolor tattoo flash style - 2 Deadly Sins show submissions

This past month I have really surprised myself, cranking out a painting damn near every other day. Most of them are 4 x 6, I have a couple 5 x 7 and (as of right this moment) 3 8 x 10's. Watercolor makes for quick work, its much much fast than acrylic and I really enjoy it. I can finish something instead of walking away from it and taking a break, which I hate doing. The process is like tattooing in the sense that you have the rough draft, the outline, and fill in. It feels really natural too. I dig it. With the 7 Deadly Sins artshow coming up at the studio I didnt think I was going to have much to contribute. then came this...new thing I fell in love with. I hope its not a passing phase because I asked for another set of inks and some fancy 'spensive watercolor paper for my birthday. I have not painted in a couple days since I finished the Reaper , and I know I need to take a quick breather... but I have started another one, its laid out in pen and I started some of the bla...