this is about hermit crabs.

This is Orga. Orga on a better day. This is Orga and Hermecles. in their tiny little crabitat. home sweet home. A few weeks (? I cant really remember, maybe it was a couple) ago I was at the pet store buying some cocunut fiber substrate (new bedding) for Hermecles, and decided to pick up another crab for him to be bros with. Hermecles is tough. He has been with me ever since a coworker brought him back from the beach nearly 2 years ago. I got him a girlfriend once, Hermaphrodite. She couldnt handle his Awesome. She die. Hermecles and Orga got along pretty well, as you can see. they didnt fight or fuss, they just crawled around and did their little hermie things. They even played with Go-Go. Hermecles, hauling ass. Orga has no idea. Fast forward to a few days ago. I go to check on their sponge and food to make sure they are good to go, and Orga is super active...Frantic. He is naked. NAKED. No shell to hide his nudie crab parts, which, ar...